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Kathryn Rudder Foundation

The Kathryn Rudder Foundation is a non-profit, Christ-centered organization dedicated to bringing the healing power of God's love and grace to children with cancer and their families. Through spiritual support, financial assistance, and a community of faith, we empower pediatric cancer patients and their loved ones to find strength, hope, and comfort during their most challenging times.

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"Do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand" -Isaiah 41:10

Kathryn's Story

Kathryn was your healthy active 11 year old until August 4th of 2023 when she was rushed to the emergency room struggling to breathe. She was admitted to ICU with a severe pneumonia that had gotten into her blood stream. The infection shut down her bone marrow and led to a 28 day stay in the hospital to find a diagnosis.  On October 31, 2023, the diagnosis was Myelodysplastic Syndrome, a blood cancer, which would require a bone marrow transplant to save Kathryn's life. 


Kathryn was admitted on January 21, 2024 to begin chemo and the bone marrow transplant.  Kathryn developed Veno-Occlusive Disorder, a life threatening condition from the chemo which led to a 10 day stay in ICU and being placed on a ventilator. She fought for her life in ICU and slowly began to make progress.  She spent 68 days in the hospital for this procedure and was discharged on March 28th and while the transplant was a success, the recovery is long and slow. 


Throughout her entire journey, Kathryn and her family have felt the presence of God's love and blessing, as well as, the support from their church, the Church of Eleven22, their disciple group, Wolfson's Child Life staff, Ms. Kara and her therapy dog, Jude, Ms. Taylor, friends, family and so many from all over the country.  The support Kathryn and the Rudders have felt during the darkest times of their lives has inspired them to be the light to other kids and families that so many were to them.  Through this foundation, the Rudder's want to pour out love and support for others who are battling pediatric cancer.  






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