Kathryn Rudder Foundation Blesses Cancer Families with Door Dash gift cards.
On October 29th, the Kathryn Rudder Foundation delivered over $1000 in Door Dash gift cards to families currently admitted to Wolfson's Children's Hospital. These gift cards are just a small part of the work the Kathryn Rudder Foundation is doing to support kids and families battling childhood cancer.
Board Chairman Robert Rudder explains, " when you are in the hospital for an extended amount of time, the hospital offerings, while good, become a bit redundant when eating the same thing day in and day out. Just the chance to have some control over what you have for dinner can uplift your spirits and just breathe some wind into your sails."
The Kathryn Rudder Foundation is dedicated to bringing a bit of hope and uplifting to some of the darkest times of their life. "We will continue to use all of the resources entrusted to our Foundation to bless these families at their most difficult times. 100% of the donations made go to supporting this foundation and bringing blessing to those who need it most", says Rudder.
If you would wish to donate to the Kathryn Rudder Foundation, click the heading Support the KRF and follow the prompts.